You have stumbled upon an online doodle pad that captures slices of my life and an overwhelming number of pictures that capture moments along the journey.
About me​
Hi. Kate here :) Hmm, let's see. I like to think that I'm adaptable, eager to dabble in the unknown. I have a (strong) thirst for adventure and come to life when in nature. And if there's quality, well-prepared food, you have my attention.
I believe that people make places memorable and that being open and friendly can take you far!
I am a teacher by profession but have recently dived into the online world. I have been involved with social media, copywriting, and editing—it's a huge change, but I learn as I go. And I love the freedom to work remotely.
What sparked the blog idea?
The short answer is: my travel experiences.
I am South African--I hail from a land colored with rich culture, roaming wildlife, and undeniably gorgeous landscapes. My dad is a travel enthusiast and so I started at a young age.
My first experience living away from home was in Norway, on student exchange in college. I have since lived in South Korea, moved back to South Africa, moved to the US (where my husband is from), and currently reside in South Korea (again). I have ventured to many interesting places in-between. I have gathered stories and adventurous travel experiences that I'm eager to share with you!
I have tasted and seen what is SO good. I want you to benefit from my experiences and have your own.
Take a look around​
Please take a moment to explore my blog. The experiences that have been documented are here to help YOU!
Madly clicking the page 'categories' will allow you greater insight into world-wide destinations for the avid adventurer, photography from around the globe, and reveal my published work. This is what I'm interested in and hope you are too!
Take a peek into my life, I want to share it with you.
Oh, and follow and/or comment wherever you feel fit.
Much love, Kate x